Holiday Parties at Two Little Rock Museums on Dec. 8 — weather permitting

Two of Arkansas’ most historic spots are both hosting special events on Sunday, Dec. 8. The Old State House Museum’s annual Holiday Open House is from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Seasonal choral and instrumental music is being presented by Top of the Rock, Chicot Elementary School Stars, St. Edwards Catholic School Children’s Choir, the Little Rock Suzuki Guitar center, the UALR Classical Guitar Ensemble, the Arkansas Mandolin and Guitar Association, and the Arkansas Accordion Association. Hands-on, holiday-oriented activities for kids, plus punch and cookies are also being offered. Come see one of the state’s most beautiful buildings decked out for the season. The museum is located in downtown Little Rock at 300 West Markham.




A few blocks over, the 46th Annual Christmas Frolic is from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Historic Arkansas Museum, also on Dec. 8.  You’re invited to participate in the Virginia Reel at the Hinderliter Grog Shop, the oldest house in Little Rock.  Plenty of old-fashioned games, ranging from sack races to stilts, are offered.  Live music, crafts and caroling are also a part of the afternoon as is enjoying the museum’s famous hot cider and ginger cake.  Historic Arkansas Museum is located at 200 East Third Street in downtown Little Rock.