Totem Poles

Totem Poles
Totem Poles

What to know

Part of the history of Fairfield Bay is displayed on several large, hand carved totem poles visible throughout the Bay. These works of art depict not only the history of Fairfield Bay, but also that of the Native Americans who once lived in the area. All three totem poles were hand carved by members of the Woodcarvers Unlimited Group. Two twenty-foot Arkansas red cedar poles - one near the Log Cabin, the other on Dave Creek Parkway - depict the history of our nation and of Fairfield Bay. The third totem pole, thirty feel tall, is located at the front entrance to Fairfield Bay in Ho Wa Park, and depicts the area's history, from the ancient mammoth to the bald eagle, now a year round species in the area.

Fairfield Bay, AR 72088