Thursday, July 29, 2021

Tinkering for Tots: Where Are All the Deer?

Arkansas Museum of Natural Resources

What to know

Where are all the deer?  This question is what some people asked during the 1920s oil boom. Explore the Oil Park with a park interpreter, as we learn the story of the 1920s oil boom and how the search for oil impacted the many different types of mammals that call the Oil Park home. Discover fun and interesting facts about what these animals eat and how they live, as you view animal furs. Participants will also make a craft based on one of the animals discussed during the presentation. There will be no live animals at this presentation.

This program is designed for children under 5 years of age.  Due to limited space, the program can accommodate only 30 participants. Registration is required.  Please call the museum at (870) 725-2877 to reserve a place. Covid-19 guidelines are in effect for guest and staff safety. 

4087 Smackover Hwy.
Smackover, AR 71762