Vanzant's Market in Lowell
Vanzant's Market in Lowell

Arkansas’ U-pick Orchards and Farm Markets


Fresh food is waiting for you at numerous farms and orchards throughout Arkansas. At farm markets, you can buy fruits and vegetables, salsas, jams and more that were grown and made on the farm. Some farms allow you to pick your own produce, adding to the experience.

When You Go

Hours of operation vary by crop and according to the weather. Some crop years are better than others so yields can change offerings as well. Give these locations a call or check their social media for current updates on picking days and times, especially if you’re traveling from a long distance. Signing up for newsletters is another great way to stay informed about that farm’s harvest seasons.

Many only accept cash, but some do accept checks, Venmo, debit and credit cards, SFMNP Vouchers, SNAP Vouchers and other forms of payment, so know before you go. Some have restrooms or porta-potties. Some supply containers, others require you to bring your own.

Don’t forget your bug spray and sunscreen. Closed-toed shoes are also usually suggested. Most do not allow pets to be brought onto the farm, although a few allow it if the pet is on a leash and you clean up after your pet.

You’ll also find produce from many of these farms available at area farmers markets.

The following orchards and farms are located throughout the Arkansas River Valley and the Ozark Mountains of Northwest and North Central Arkansas.

Click here for markets in other parts of the state.

Vanzant's Market in Lowell
Watermelons at Vanzant's Market in Lowell

Orchards and Farms in the Ozarks

Cline Berry Farm is more than a fruitstand; it’s an experience. Cline sells blueberries in two ways. You can pick your own using the farm’s buckets and harnesses (first-come first-served with sometimes limited harnesses) or place an order. A day or two before harvest (usually early to mid-June) the farm starts taking orders and fills as many as possible in the order they are received for as long as they have berries. 1073 Silver Valley Road, Harrison

Fenton’s Berry Farm has a big pole barn it uses as its market facility on the downhill end of its property, a.k.a. “Bottom of the Barn” or “The BoB.” You can buy picked produce there and take crafting classes as well. U-pick offerings are now by appointment only. Fenton’s sells blackberries, blueberries, red raspberries, pumpkins and vegetables. 7221 Fork Creek Road, Harrison 

Hatch Farm offers U-pick for chemical-free blueberries and a picnic area, so bring your own food and enjoy some time on the farm. 14585 Goshen-Tuttle WC 79, Elkins

McGarrah Farms Rivercrest Orchard has all kinds of fruits and vegetables for sale at their farm market as well as jams, fruit butters, dressings, cider, salsa, syrups, zesty tomato juice and more. There are pick-your-own opportunities and seasonal fun such as tulips, Easter and strawberry festivals to take part in. A fall corn maze and other farm activities are very popular. 2991 S. Dead Horse Mountain Road, Fayetteville

Mountain Home Berry Farm offers pick-your-own during the berry seasons of blueberries, and blackberries, as well as pre-picked raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. The farm also has an on-site rustic barn store, in which it sells jams, salsas, crafts, eggs, and seasonal berries and produce. It hosts Fall Festival weekends complete with hayrides, a pumpkin patch, petting zoo, mazes and more. The farm has an annual lighted Christmas hayride event. 693 CR 57, Mountain Home

Click here for an Easy Peach Upside Down Cake recipe!

Neal Family Farm is a family-run blueberry and blackberry farm operating primarily as a pick-your-own during the June and July harvest season. Neal’s has about a dozen beehives, used for pollination, and sells some of the honey from these hives.  The farm also sells potted blueberry plants, t-shirts and hats. 1246 W. Laurel Ave., Rogers

Piney Fork Berry Farm is a pick-your-own blueberry farm. Sometimes other goodies are offered, such as blueberry muffins, blueberry pancakes, blueberry jam, blueberry crumble and blueberry oatmeal bars. 163 Blueberry Lane, Evening Shade

Reagan Family Farm is a family-owned and operated farm selling strawberries and blueberries. You pick or they pick. Use your GPS to locate the address but use the field entrance on 15th Street across from Hiland Dairy for parking. 241 E. 13th St., Fayetteville

Sacred Hollow Farm has hundreds of wildflowers - coneflowers to sunflowers and everything in between. Park, grab a can and some snips, then mingle among the wildflowers to pick a bouquet. When you’re done, either buy a vase or the farm will send you home with a biodegradable container to keep your flowers fresh until you get home. The farm stand also has fresh herbs, tea blends and tinctures. 3830 E. Ark. 264, Lowell

Sta-n-Step Blueberry Farm is a blueberry, raspberry and blackberry farm with a season from June 1 to July 4 most years. 3104 Wildcat Creek Blvd., Fayetteville

The Berry Farm has 1,500 blueberry and 500 blackberry plants. In addition to providing northwest Arkansas families with fresh, locally-grown food, this U-pick farm also helps orphaned children in Zimbabwe. The farm funds The Gatehouse Project, providing training and mentorship in agriculture and livestock, wood and metal working, business management, textiles, cooking and even technology to more than 80 orphaned and vulnerable children at Musha WeVana Village in Zimbabwe. The farm is a community-oriented event venue and berry farm started by Dave and Jenny Marrs, who also have the HGTV "Fixer to Fabulous" television show. 12726 Huber Road, Bentonville

Taylor’s Orchard grows peaches, nectarines and thornless blackberries. It has a fruit stand and offers pick-your-own mid-June though August. 12801 Taylor Orchard Road, Gentry

Vanzant's Fruit Market is a multi-generational operation on land that has been in the family for more than 150 years. Vanzant Fruit Farm was established in 1949. Mr. Vanzant is 98 years old and is part of the daily operations and his son, Stephen, has been part of the farm his entire life. The farm grows 23 different varieties of peaches,17 different varieties of apples, and acres of Concord grapes. Vanzant's Market is full of seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables coming in from the orchards and fields daily during harvest. Their website includes recipes from Mabel Moody Graham, who was their beloved grandmother and great-grandmother. 3705 E. Ark. 264, Lowell 

Simmons Plant Farm provides people with a plant instead of produce. Garland and Faye Simmons started the farm in a small town located between the southern foothills of the Boston Mountain range of the Ozark Mountains and the Arkansas River Valley in 1944 and now it is owned and operated by their son Fred. Customers can buy strawberry, blackberry, pink lemonade blueberry, grape, blueberry, raspberry, asparagus, rhubarb, horseradish, elderberry plants and other varieties. Ordering information is on the farm's website. 11542 N. Hwy 71, Mountainburg

Vanzant's Market in Lowell
Vegetables at Vanzant's Market in Lowell
Berries at Vanzant's Market in Lowell
Potatoes at Vanzant's Market in Lowell

Orchards and Farms in the Arkansas River Valley

Arnold Family Farm Store offers locally grown, seasonal produce along with loaves of bread, meat, canned goods and more. Watch their Facebook page to see what’s available. 7020 N. Highway 71, Alma

Twin Oaks Peach Farm offers U-pick peaches from mid-June to mid-August. It has several varieties including: Candor, Red Haven, Southland, White Hectar, Loring, Blake, Bell of Georgia and Red Skin Elberta. 4320 Dean Springs Road, Alma

Cox Berry Farm has both already picked and u-pick options for many of its fruits. It also offers nursery stock. Walk the Pumpkin Trail during the fall. 1081 Hwy. 818, Clarksville

Knoxville Berry Farm is a u-pick, we-pick berry farm selling blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, peaches, okra and more. Watch the farm’s active Facebook page for up-to-date offerings and great recipes. 25012 Ark. 64, Knoxville

Peach Pickin’ Paradise is just what its name implies but in two locations. Varieties include white nectar, white county, bisque, winblo, shine, red globe and scarlet prince and can be different from location to location. 1901 McGuire Road, Lamar and 190 AR 21, Clarksville

Drewry Farm & Orchards has apples, blackberries, peaches, pumpkins, strawberries, honey from hives on the farm, fresh eggs, a gift shop, a refreshment stand, porta-potties and a picnic area. 267 Vaughn Circle, Dover

Renee's Berry Garden is a U-Pick farm located in the scenic rolling hills of the Arkansas River Valley just outside the city limits of London. The farm’s season for blueberries and blackberries usually runs from late May through the last week in June. The hot tip from the farm: “Just in case we run out, bring a stout belt to attach your bucket to (we supply the buckets) and that way you can pick with two hands.” 1265 Will Baker Road, London