The spooky side of Monticello
In October, Monticello, located in Arkansas’ Lower Delta, will again be home to two events for those looking to explore the “scarier” side of fun.
The Allen House, known by many as one of the most haunted houses in the nation, will open its doors for tours on Oct. 30 and 31, beginning at 6 p.m.

If you’re not familiar with the story, it centers around the Allen family, especially the daughter Ladell. On Christmas 1948, it’s said Ladell consumed cyanide, dying eight days later. The room where Ladell died was sealed off by her mother and was not opened again for nearly four decades. When it was opened, the then owners found a cyanide bottle on a closet shelf. Current owners, Mark and Rebecca Spencer, found 90 letters pertaining to a secret relationship that led Ladell to consume the poison, along with a bottle of rum.

A few years after the remaining family passed away, the Allen House was divided into apartments. Not long afterwards, the stories of paranormal activity begin, many people claiming to see a woman standing in the window of what would have been Ladell’s closed-off bedroom. You can decide for yourself after a visit to the Allen House on Oct. 30 and 31.

But that’s not all the spookiness you’ll find at the house. There’s also the Nightmare Maze, open Saturdays in October as well as Oct. 30 and 31. You can check out the maze’s Facebook page at This year’s maze will also have hidden keys within the maze that will open prize boxes. And it’s going to be scarier than ever!