Saturday, October 19, 2024

Great Arkansas Cleanup

Woolly Hollow State Park

What to know

Our annual Woolly Holloween is October 26th, and we need your help to get the park ready for our trick-or-treaters! Join park staff as we do our part to clean up several areas around the park. The Great Arkansas Cleanup is a state-wide volunteer event sponsored by Keep Arkansas Beautiful. Volunteers are invited to help clean up roadways, shorelines, trails, and the lake. Meet at the snack bar parking lot to pick up trash bags, gloves, safety vests, other supplies, and receive cleanup location assignments. Bring your own snacks, water, and pick-up sticks or grabbers. Loose, breathable clothing and good close-toed walking shoes are recommended. 
82 Woolly Hollow Road
Greenbrier, AR 72058