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Marketing & Communications

The mission of the Communications Section is to increase travel awareness and visitation to Arkansas by portraying a positive image of the state through visual, electronic and editorial communications. The nine-member team fulfills editorial, photographic, and research requests from both traditional and non-traditional outlets in an effort to increase travel awareness of Arkansas’s tourism product. Staff-driven tourism initiatives encompass the publication of e-newsletters, media releases, blogs, media kits, brochures and travel guides. In addition, the Communications team maintains the integrity of and its several mini-websites oriented towards niche tourism markets. Other responsibilities range from working with visiting journalists to developing promotions throughout the state.


Deputy Tourism Director
Leah DiPietro

Chief Photographer
Kirk Jordan

Travel Writer, Northwest Arkansas
Jill Rohrbach

Travel Writer, Southwest/Central Arkansas
Zoie Clift

Travel Writer, Arkansas Delta
Kim Williams

Will Newton

Content Coordinator
Danyelle Perry
