St. Francis Sunken Lands Water Trail
St. Francis Sunken Lands Water Trail

Hang Out with the Fish This June


June is a great time to grab your pole and get to the lake, river or pond for some outstanding fishing in eastern Arkansas. Events this month are catering to the younger anglers, giving them an opportunity to show off their fishing skills!

The Marianna/Lee County Chamber of Commerce, the St. Francis National Forest and the Mississippi River State Park host the Lee County Youth Fishing Derby on June 7 at Ranger Pond outside Marianna. The pond will be stocked with catfish by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission before the event. Registration begins at 7 a.m. and fishing begins at 8. 

MRSP sign

The annual Phillips County Fishing Rodeo is scheduled for June 7 at Storm Creek Lake near Helena-West Helena. All the participating young anglers receive a prize. Sign-up begins at 7 a.m. and the fishing commences at 8. Refreshments will be available. Remember to bring your lawn chairs and sit, relax and watch the kids fish! 

storm creek lake

Davidsonville Historic State Park in Pocahontas offers the annual Kids’ Fishing Derby on June 14. Kids ages 5-15 are invited to grab their pole and their special bait and head to the park. Prizes will be awarded for various age groups. 

davidsonville fishing kid

June 14 is the date for Lake Charles State Park’s Kids Fishing Derby in Powhatan. Open to youngsters ages 5-15, the event is a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and catch your own dinner. Prizes will be given in different categories. 

lake charles fishing kids

Learn how to make your own fishing reel…with a soda can! Jacksonport State Park in Newport offers Soda Can Fishing on June 29. Participants join the park interpreter and learn how to make their own reel out of a used can and the importance of keeping trash out of our environment. 

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Fishing in Arkansas