Great River Road Road National Scenic Byway
To experience the true beauty of The Natural State, take a road trip along the Lower Delta’s section of the Great River Road National Scenic Byway. It’s a great way to experience the beauty of spring. In April, dogwoods, jonquils and redbuds tint the byway with their pinks, whites and yellows. Later in April, wildflowers create a kaleidoscopic backdrop for the roadway.

The Lower Delta’s portion of the Great River Road runs from just south of West Memphis to the Arkansas state line in Eudora.
While traveling the historic byway, road trippers will wend their way along the state’s eastern border, which happens to be the Mighty Mississippi River. A drive will take you through Marianna, the St. Francis National Forest, the Mississippi River State Park, historic downtown Helena, historic St. Charles, Dumas, Gillett (home to Arkansas Post National Memorial and Arkansas Post Museum State Park), McGehee, Arkansas City, Lake Village and Eudora.

You'll find great attractions and historic sites on this section of the scenic byway. Check out the Delta Cultural Center in Helena. The St. Charles Museum and the White River National Wildlife Refuge in St. Charles are both great stops. McGehee is home to the World War II Japanese American Internment Museum. You can get an up-close view of the Mississippi River at the Choctaw Island Wildlife Management Area in Arkansas City. Lakeport Plantation is located in Lake Village, not far from the mighty river itself.

It’s also a great place to do some birdwatching or fishing. In fact, Lake Chicot and Lake Chicot State Park in Lake Village have a wealth of both.