Saturday, September 09, 2023
Girl Scouts Love State Parks 2023: Stand Up Paddleboarding for Beginners
DeGray Lake Resort State Park
What to know
Seeking a little serenity? Find your sense of calm while standing above the beautiful, clear waters of DeGray Lake. Stand up paddleboarding is one of the fastest-growing recreational sports around. Join a park interpreter for a crash course to get you standing on water in no time! Participation is limited to those age 10 and older. Wear clothes and shoes that can get wet, and don't forget your sunscreen and water bottle! Space is limited; pre-registration is required by calling the state park marina (501) 865-5841. Deadline to register is September 4, 2023. Admission to be paid at the marina the day of program. #GSLSP2023
2027 State Park Entrance Road
Bismarck, AR 71929