Saturday, December 18, 2021

Historic Homemade Holiday Ornament Workshop

Delta Heritage Trail State Park

What to know

Delta Heritage Trail runs primary along a former rail line that once transported huge amounts of cotton and harvested timber. Small family farms that grew much of this cotton dotted the landscape and occasionally one can see signs of these when on the trail. Timber companies were located in virtually all communities along the rail line and provided jobs for many workers supporting their families. Just like many today, these families enjoyed decorating for the holidays. Here is your chance to learn about these decorations and to make your own to take home. Please join us anytime between 1-4 p.m. and see the past come alive with your creations. Preregistration is not required and there is a modest fee that can be paid on arrival for materials. Children are encouraged to attend but must be accompanied by an adult. COVID-19 SAFETY GUIDELINES ARE IN EFFECT FOR GUEST AND STAFF SAFETY. SPACE MAY BE LIMITED.
5539 Hwy 49
Helena-West Helena, AR 72390