Take a Walk on the Wild Side


Most of us don’t go out and forage for food. In fact, many of us probably wouldn’t know what was okay to eat out in the wild or which plants can be used as medicine. Maybe you know the taste of wild blackberries, but did you know acorns make great flour that you can incorporate into scones and biscuits? If you’re interested in learning about consuming wild plants, head to Devil’s Den State Park on Saturday, April 18 for an Edible Trees and Plants Workshop. It takes place from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Café Pavilion by the Ridge Runner store and costs $10 per person or $5 for children younger than 12.


In the workshop, participants will learn to identify several native plant species. You’ll also learn how to prepare some deliciously wild dishes and then enjoy eating them. The course incorporates concepts of conservation, history, culture, and plant identification. The instructor is Dr. Tamara Walkingstick, associate professor of Extension Forestry with the UA Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service.

Contact Devil’s Den State Park to register at 479-761-3325 or e-mail Park Interpreter Terry Elder at [email protected] for more information. Registration is limited.